
Serial Features——

Human Edge

Country: U.S.A
Added: 2006
Category: Engineering Technology
Abstract: "Human Edge" is about introducing the cutting-edge scientific and technological achievement. Being creative and experiment-oriented, the scientists have developed a variety of new devices. What changes will these new technologies and inventions bring to us? Is that an opportunity or a challenge for humans? "Human Edge" will take us on a journey to understand the most advanced technology.

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    Human Edge (1)

    Today more than 600 working satellites orbit the earth. They're essential for hundreds of information age technologies. But man-made space junk is now threatening their very existence. A man combined old age technology with a big idea and helped the people of an entire continent. For the first time, these villagers have access to reliable and up-to-date information that doesn’t only enhance, but saves their lives.
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    Human Edge (2)

    In a laboratory crammed with hi-tech sensing equipment, Dr. Robert Full has been studying how cockroaches and other creepy crawlies get around. Some techno wizards have come up with an amazing invention which can help doctors save the lives of children around the world. Also, we'll meet a man who understands your need for speed.
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    Human Edge (3)

    Surprising new findings show that what you wear can effect how you do, leading researches to develop performance-enhancing attire. Already tagged the eighth wonder of the world, the Eden project has created a horticultural Noah’s Ark, showcasing 4,000 species of plants, from every climatic zone in the world. And an amazing prototype car is about to spearhead a revolution in car design.
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    Human Edge (4)

    The time is finally dawning when we'll be wearing our computers. Now wired up- wearables are becoming cyber chic. A flash of inspiration and a few trips to the electronics store resulted in the creation of a light probe. A fascinating story how one man's invention is making Hollywood sit up and take notice. In the future, robotics could allow us to have heart surgery and walk out of the hospital the same day.
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    Human Edge (5)

    We'll see some of the futuristic cars on this episode. In Vienna, Austria, the Human Edge is attempting to duplicate the genius of nature. Coming up, the brave new world of extraordinary hi-tech artificial limbs. Also, how one man's thoughts led to a landmark achievement. Stay connected and we'll reveal his ingenious achievement.
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    Human Edge (6)

    As a former Swiss air force pilot, Andreas Reinhard knows first-hand how g-forces affect your body. We'll explain how one man's vision will allow future top guns to fly faster and withstand g-forces that could otherwise kill them. Enter the human edge to save the day and lots of lives with smart cars. One day soon, you, too, may be in a position to save someone's life. But you'll need to know how to use this high tech heart starter.
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    Human Edge (7)

    Dr Yu Chong Tai, using the latest cutting edge technologies, is doing what Da Vinci could only dream of, creating a machine that can do what birds have been doing for millions of years —— flap its wings and fly. Also on the human edge, we take a look inside the human body using the latest technical wonder. The electron beam tomography images provide very sharp images of very small detail.
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    Human Edge (8)

    Inspired by the incredible engineering behind a bird's ability to fly, one Swiss inventor is creating an entirely new kind of airplane wing. His creation could change aviation as we know it. In very liberal Holland we found a night club that uses hi-tech to let the cool crowd in and keep the riff raff out. Now Dr. White has given every day plastic the ability to heal itself like the human body.
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    Human Edge (9)

    It's a different look at how humans deal with living in space. So where's the bathroom? And now one man is finding ground breaking applications for the humble LED. During the procedure, the LED's light activates the light-sensitive tumor-killing drugs. The human edge is at work to create ergonomic offices that will help make our lives and our jobs a little less painful.
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    Human Edge (10)

    The amazing new video pill bristles with electronics. Stay connected and find out what it could see on a trip through you. Today, thanks to higher gas prices and tougher environmental standards, electric cars are making a comeback at least, halfway. We're looking at the fundamental design, how you can use an engine, an electric motor and a battery pack to get the highest efficiency and the lowest emissions.
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    Human Edge (11)

    While increased pollution and UV exposure may threaten these cornerstones of ocean ecosystems, one woman's research into the effects of sunlight on our oceans may offer a ray of hope. If micro chips allow the blind to see, could they also help paraplegics walk again? ARAC was established in 1979 as an early warning system to prevent potential disasters from the release into the atmosphere of hazardous pollutants.
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    Human Edge (12)

    Find out how the combination of technology and the human edge is expanding the frontiers of human knowledge and giving divers the freedom to safely explore new and amazing undersea worlds. Matheison's company, Dansk Biogas, builds anarobic digestors that convert waste to wattage. In just one month, the farm's 25,000 animals produced enough electricity to run the entire operation.
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    Human Edge (13)

    Diamonds are much more than just a girl's best friend. The hardest mineral nature has ever made has become one of industry's best friends as well. What you don't know about the future applications of diamonds may astonish you. It's a story of how the study of bizarre life forms on earth is giving scientists a better idea of what we might find out there. And imagine trying to create an electronic nose or tongue that can tell a burgundy from a cabernet.
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    Human Edge (14)

    Let us have a look at the amazing world of unmanned aerial vehicles. Also, contracts, bills of sale, the minutiae of daily life four thousand years ago emerge to help unlock the secrets of a lost civilization. And, for the past forty years we’ve seen a kind of cosmic fashion show. Two generations of space suits designed for increasingly demanding missions.
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    Human Edge (15)

    Stayed connected for the lowdown on the high-tech gadget-filled houses in which you may soon be living. An extraordinary technology called maglev, short for magnetic levetation is in fact capable of floating trains off their tracks and up into the air, hitting speeds of up to two hundred and sixty-five miles an hour. Take a ride into the future and check out how the latest video screens may change the way you see the world.
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    Human Edge (16)

    "While no building is impervious to the forces of nature, scientists are pushing the limits of the human edge to provide us with big time insurance against big time earthquakes. Find out how the human edge is using the power of nature to clean up after us. This vehicle is a prototype built for the US army, and nicknamed the James Bond car. People who designed it actually watched 007 movies to get inspiration for the truck's high tech gizmos."
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    Human Edge (17)

    In inventor Ellwood Ivey's vision of the wired future, Internet users will literally log on and smell the roses. Also, we'll look at what the world's super powers of aircraft manufacture —— Boeing and air bus, think we'll be flying in the decades to come. We'll look at what the other titan of the skys —— Boeing —— has in mind for its aircraft of the future.
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    Human Edge (18)

    From screening for cancer to seeing how drugs affect specific types of cells, we'll show you how the human edge is using thermal imaging technology to see where no man has seen before. For athletes around the world the ultimate achievement is to win Olympic gold. And to help them scientists are testing the boundaries of human capabilities and are learning heaps about improving an athlete's physical performance.
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    Human Edge (19)

    Japanese technologists are in the forefront of this curious new twist in robotic science. Now although these robots might look like simple toys they're no mere play-thing. We shall take you to Southern Egypt, to look at how the human edge is working to turn the desert green. Also we went to the University of Iowa in the US to check out the national advanced driving simulator.
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    Human Edge (20)

    Fasten your seat belts and brace yourselves for some of the latest brainwaves in personal transportation. Stay with us and check out the amazing techniques new millennium farmers are coming up with to provide food for the world's increasing population. We'll explain how the human edge has created a new safe passenger air ship that exudes the nostalgia and the long-lost glamour of air travel.
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    Human Edge (21)

    The speediest piston-driven, two-wheeled torpedo in production is the Hayabusa. But if you want the ultimate speed rush, this is the one that rates as the world's fastest production vehicle on any number of wheels. We humans are now wielding our edge to use venoms to make a new generation of wonder drugs. It's a fascinating story of a scientist that daily risks his life to help make ingenious medicines that one day might save your life.
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    Human Edge (22)

    Crucial to this vehicle's explosive performance is its shape. The sleek body not only minimizes drag, it also whips up extreme down force. It's just one of the sexy toys designed for very big boys. The human edge has invented a new and clever way to keep food fresh without preservatives and without packaging. Also, scientists' latest sunshine-driven innovations suggest our world is on the verge of some electrifying changes.
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    Human Edge (23)

    Come with us to Finland and check out the future of the once humble phone. Here, people are pushing the possibilities of cell phone technology to the max. Scientists are working the human edge and discovering information that will help protect us against the damaging effects of ultraviolet light. It's a fascinating story of how the human edge is being applied to help city planners remove the nightmares from our daily commute.
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    Human Edge (24)

    Brian Walker intends to be the first private citizen to blast into space in a home-built rocket. The maverick, lone-wolf inventor endures, daring to dream impossible dreams. Stay with us for an inside look at the sophisticated, cutting-edge science being used to make money in the war against counterfeiters. See the incredible machines scientists are using the to discover earth-like planets throughout the universe.
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    Human Edge (25)

    We're gonna check out the fastest automobiles on earth —— each designed to shatter the sound barrier. Although dinosaurs ruled the earth for tens of millions of years, what we think we know about them is not necessarily true. New technologies are now bringing dinosaurs back to life —— in the virtual world. We shall also give you the low down on a new generation of submarines that may help unlock the secrets of the deep.
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    Human Edge (26)

    New space probes are being sent into the void and beyond to help scientists unlock the secrets of our solar system and the origins of earth itself. And one of the hi-tech robotic slaves will cut your lawn while you sit in the shade while the robo-mower clips, another domestic robot sucks literally. New technologies are helping search and rescue teams find survivors quicker and rescue them more effectively.