
Serial Features—Science Shack

Country: America
Added: 2006
Category: Engineering
Duration:51×30 mins
Abstract: Can people walk on the ceiling? Have you ever seen paper fire balllon carrying people? How tall can you construct a building with just paper and cardboard? In this series the audiences can see all kinds of fancy experiments, and let's wonder in a magical science world.

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    Science Shack — Walk on the Ceiling

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    Science Shack — Lightning

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    Science Shack — Plane Made out of Paper

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    Science Shack — The Millennium Bridge

    The Millennium Bridge is a stunning aluminium and steel structure, a bit of great design and engineering that had thousands of people queuing to walk across it on opening day, 10th June 2000. But as soon as the crowds hit the bridge there was a problem it wobbled, and not just a bit, but enough to make people cling to the handrails for security. The question we want to answer this week is why the millennium bridge wobbled?
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    Science Shack — Can You Make Yourself Invisible?

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    Science Shack — Could You Live Under Water?

    I've often wondered whether I could be genuinely self-sufficient. It shouldn't be too difficult as long as I had enough land, but could I be self-sufficient in absolutely everything, even the air that I breathe? And that’s today's big question: could you live under water? I confess we use television trickery to pretend that I was in a giant underwater bubble, but by the end of this program I hope to be living at the bottom of this tank in an underwater version of the Shack.
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